I made this comic in like 15 minutes GOODNIGHT
Archive for lindsey
OK so the 3950x is a great processor that I desperately need because my MoBo and CPU are like 8 years old but it’s marked up everywhere that it’s been in stock because it’s so highly demanded right now so I figured out the timing on Amazon’s pre-order algorithm/restock schedule (?) and realized that every 2 hours they’d add more 3950x processors at MRSP so eventually I timed it right and – uh – was real good and asked Santa for it in the knick of time?
Run-on sentences aside, I am pumped and now I need to get some RAM and a new MoBo and possibly a new heatsink and definitely some thermal paste. Wait, what did I just say about run-on sentences? Nevermind. I think I’m good on the Power Supply. I’ll have to check. Fuck. And I thought Mechanical Keyboards were expensive …
Anyway, comics, right? Yeah, haha, comics, yeah. Remember?
Hm. K bye!
I have seen some parts of Man-DeLorean. Worst Back to the Future reboot, ever.
Did you know I fixed up The Future Universe‘s site? Something weird happened with its wordpress so I just REDID THE WHOLE THING. Reread it!
Also I did another proof of concept thing here where some friends and I played a Monster of the Week session and then I added some effects after to make it a production. I think it’s fun. You can click below to get the MP3:
Monster of the Week - Episode 2You tell me! Bye.
I’ve never made brownies that didn’t turn out weird – like, cakey or eggy – and the other night I was like, “hey, what do I need to make them from scratch?” and we substituted bleached flour for whole wheat flour and used brown sugar instead of granulated white sugar and WA WA WEE WA they were great. I ate so much raw batter. I fear no egg sickness.
I’m on a roll! I’m jinxing myself typing that, but I kinda jinxed myself after I talked about feeling good that I completed a storyline so HEY I’M TEMPTING FATE I GUESS.
I sent people over to the forum, yesterday, to look at some old nsfw art – if you wanna participate over there, I’m taking requests on forum/comment avatars (also other people can jump in and draw avatars, too). You can check it out if you want a personalized doodle. Also, I think I deleted someone’s account. Sorry, dude – please just make another.
Well this was a fun storyline! I think it’s all done. We saw Us and it was great! Different from Get Out, and really great storytelling throughout. Looking forward to watching it again (and maybe reading a few analyses).
It’s 2 AM and I have crap to do tomorrow! I’m gonna go to bed!
for the first time in a while I finished a comic ON-TIME and EARLY. I guess it helps when I know where a storyline is going, but every strip is still a unique challenge that unfolds as I create it. Gotta flow with it, even when you know where it’s going. So, what I’m saying is: it’s always a challenge and you should always be proud of yourself for overcoming a challenge, no matter what caveats eat away at your sense of pride.
Did you see that I uploaded another 20 Classic Allan strips that haven’t been online in YEARS?? Start here and work your way forward!
PS. Notice how the text in this storyline keeps changing sizes? I drew the first page in a small (narrow) sketchpad, then pt. II was drawn on a wider page, and this pt. III was drawn on this special printer paper from my work! This strip might’ve gotten a little too wide as the text’s kinda small, but the odd layout changes also lends itself well to the spooky nature of this storyline~
Not really, though. But at least I’m having fun. Goodnight!
Another installment of the nail biting saga of will we get to see Jordan Peele’s terrifying new horror film Us or won’t we??
…which I am just calling This is Us.
I’m almost done with the story, though. It’s fun doing little continuity strips across a few days. Try it sometime! It’s almost APRIL.
It’s late. Bye.
Whaaat?? A storyline before I do more with my other storyline? Who could’ve guessed. I’m insane. What a visionary.
So far, my weekend’s been focused on one thing: seeing Jordan Peele’s Us. And let me tell you, this storyline is absolutely THRILLING. DO we see US? DON’T we??
We’ll see! I’ll try and have this baby wrapped up within one or two more updates. But for now, it’s bedtime. Adios, muchachos.
I’ve been on a hiatus since Halloween – it’s good to be back but I’m still in the throes of a tough time. I got lucky with my last apartment, or maybe it’s just way worse than it was five years ago, but man oh man I can’t find an affordable place to live to save my live. And we’re not even looking for cheap. There’s a housing shortage out here, I think, and hopefully having good credit and a long-term job is enough to eventually qualify for something.
Also, my student loans are almost paid off! I’m sure I’ll make a comic about that at some point. It’s been a long time coming.
Coming up, too, of course, are the holidays, so I’m trying to get prepared for those, too!
AND, my job just shuffled me around to a new project, so I get to relearn everything I was working on for the next four months.
What I’m saying is, life’s tough right now, but I’m trying to get by.
Thanks for reading and watching. Take care!
I may color this one soon but I really do need to head back to bed and try to get back to sleep.
So, until later, have a good morning!
PS. Sewage lines smell bad and Lindsey’s dad has no idea what he’s doing.