When Amanda left I knew I’d have to come up with the other half of the rent, myself. I had no savings and no income. Thankfully, Amanda helped me pay the month’s rent while she finished out her last two weeks working at her job, so I was covered for September. When October came I’d already begun taking steps to find myself employment, and luckily I’d received a bit of dough from student loans. Enough to cover food and maybe one or two months’ rent.
I had a few options. Find a roommate, find a cheaper apartment (perhaps a room in a house), or find a job. My schedule would have been full-up and left no time for employment with 5 classes—had I gotten into all the ones I wanted—but (luckily) one of the classes refused to make room for me. This freed up about 10 hours in the middle of my school day on Tuesdays and Thursdays and gave me a good opportunity to fill that “free period” with some work. I set out, applying any one of the Work Study positions, and found one which looked preferable. I applied to more than one, but a job which worked on my school’s website seemed beneficial for more than one reason. I was excited for this job, and that is what this strip is about.
Those of you who follow me on twitter might already know how this situation panned out, but there will be one more strip chronicling my experience.
I’d write more author’s notes but I have my friend Chris over and he is bugging me to watch another episode of Tiger and Bunny. I will oblige.
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