Archive for chris
I haven’t talked about moving out of Lindsey’s parents house and getting a new place with another couple, yet, but someday I will!
I have, however, talked about this character before: Chris! He was in some classic Allan strips way back when, and he’s still around today! He’s been a good friend for a long time and I’m sure you’ll see more of him over the years.
In case you don’t know, “free-ranging” is when a cat’s food bowl is always full and they can eat whenever they want. It’s what I used to do with my kittens before I realized they were being Fat. And also, one of them got urinary crystals, so weight control was really important for his health. I decided to switch my cats to a grain free wet food diet and it solved both issues almost outright, though it is a bit more expensive than just buying urinary dry food. But my cats’ coat is so SILKY. SILKEN BOYS. I don’t think I could go back to feeding them an all dry diet, although I’m sure they’d be happy with it. They love those crunchy bits.
Also, also: I uploaded 20+ more Classic Allans, starting here! There are some rare guest strips that you might not have seen before, along with all the author’s notes and stuff. There are a lot of broken links because the internet is worse, now, but some of the links work. Roll the dice. What have you got to lose??
Thanks for reading. Happy Monday. I am excited for the future because it means I have more time to make art and do my job and exercise and eat good food and be the person I wanna be.
I drew this one with my 2 mm pencil. It’s
T H I C C (as you can see)—the lines are pretty dark. Not colored yet because I’m busy, OK??
Also, it’s kinda a part two to yesterday’s? Kinda? We went hiking and it was hot. Not to blame Bonnie for the weather, but she certainly didn’t help any making Lindsey do a bunch of chores before we could leave. And then asking about them and telling her she didn’t need to.
Fun stuff. Did you see today’s video?
More later, I’m sure. Hope you’re enjoying me vent about my stupid familial drama. BYE.
I’m at work, so I can’t color this strip right now! Too much to do, work, work, all that jazz.
I hope Lindsey can callous over her mom and grow beyond her, though I doubt that will happen without distance.
I had a good Labor Day weekend! Hiking on Monday was nice, albeit delayed (as you have read).
Check for more when you wanna — I’m gonna go get lunch.
I talked about these two friends a while back, but never brought them up. We’ve hung out a lot in the past, but I now have two classes with Doug, and one with Chris, and well, we’re all kinda slowly building that college bond. It’s a good thing, and I’m embracing it. We all kind of consider each other the “supportive” friends we want; while they have other friends who they kind of shoot the shit with, when we’re together we talk about mature things and problems and are honest with one-another. We don’t let each-other shit out of classes and we always call one-another on our bullshit. It’s like a support group for three dudes who all have pretty large problems in our lives at the moment, and really it’s just what we all need.
So you’ll probably see more about them in the future! I’m constantly trying to get them over to my apartment to hang out, drink, eat some pizza, but everyone is busy with school and they all live somewhat far away from me (like a 20 minute drive). Gas is expensive, and they’re just as broke, if not even more broker than I am. Hard to believe, I know. But life is hard for independent college students on their own. Doug’s in the same boat as I am—all his family is down in Southern California—but he’s even got a girlfriend down there which adds to his stress. I’ll go into more detail on that later, maybe.
I’m going to plug the book again, since that seems like a smart thing to do. I’ll be mailing out orders on Friday, so if you’d like one, now would be a good time to get one! Thanks to everyone who has ordered one so far, I hope you enjoy it when you get it!
Besides that, I have actually been enjoying updating the strip again? These quick strips give me lots of time to think about what to say, and then I get to say it in the author’s notes without feeling any remorse that I didn’t draw a comic about what I wanted to talk about. One time someone told me to show it rather than write it. Fuck that guy, I’ll write it if I want to!
Another day, another strip.
That is Doug on the right and Chris on the left. I will introduce them more later.
In the meantime, why not read this new Blue Circus! It’s short, but it’s there. NSFW though.