So we went out to San Diego and caught some sights. Went to Sea World and whatnot. Got some good splashes in. Drove around a little more to the more minor sights to see in San Diego, and then drove back on home. Fun would best describe it, though so would “Lots and lots of pointless driving.” Ah well. I think I need to have a car full of buddies to really enjoy a road trip. Maybe next time.
Yeah, and it was really sudden, too. I know. That was crazy.
Also, I picked up the 5th–I mean 7th (sorry, I’ve got the movie on my mind)–Harry Potter book, which I expect no one to spoil for me by telling me that Harry AND Voldermort die in an epic battle after resurrecting the fallen ghost of Dumbledore. Oh… did that all actually happen?! DID I TURN TO THE LAST TWO CHAPTERS AND READ MY HEART OUT?! No. I didn’t. I just wanted to freak you all out.
But don’t ruin it for me. It probably ends with Harry getting laid…
Also, I don’t know if you heard yesterday (there were TWO updates yesterday, so go back a day or two and see them) but I was nominated at the Drunk Duck Awards! In two categories! Woop! Voting has officially started now, too, so if you really like these comics I try to churn out daily, please stop on by and vote! It’ll bring me reassurance that I truly am making a difference in the world! Just drop a comment including the words “Allan” and possibly “I vote for” in these two areas:
Best Real Life,
Best Line Art.
Thanks again, guys, for reading and commenting and whatnot! You all rock.
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