CLICK THAT BUTTON to see today’s bonus panel, it stars your favorite red-hoodied hatter!
I drew this one in bed! I hear you’re not supposed to do anything in bed other than sleep, but my body was exhausted and my MIND wished to CREATE. It made sense and look: it worked. So. I’m not saying I’m going to keep drawing in bed, forever and ever, but maybe I am saying that once in a blue moon I might pull back the covers, plop my soft self into place, and dig into some kinda thing that ain’t SLEEP. You wait and see.
This strip is just me airing a little anxiety of mine. I feel like not that many people care about the meta of Allan but this isn’t your comic so nya nya.
Wait, where are you going —
Hey man, I re-discovered your comic on reddit yesterday and I wanted to thank you. I think I might have been one of the earliest readers of your original Allan comic. I discovered it in high school and I think we might have even graduated the same year. I never posted or commented, but damn that comic meant a lot to me. I went through a lot of similar drama and struggled in much the same way but I never talked about it or expressed myself. In your comic I found solace that someone else was dealing with the same feelings I had. As weird/creepy as it might sound I felt like you were a friend. I read it through most of my undergrad until I got a job overseas in a remote part of the world and lost internet for a while. When I had service again I tried to find your comic and it was gone.
I was in remiss that I never got a chance to thank you. Honestly, just reading your perspectives and seeing that other people dealt with the same issues I had made me feel a lot less alone. The way that you overcame (and sometimes fell victim to) your struggles made me feel like I too could deal with the hand I was dealt. I’ve since completed my undergrad and graduate degrees and I work in research for the feds on the east coast. I’m dealing with my problems head on and I have begun to open up to people. If it wasn’t for your comic I don’t know if I would be here. Just wanted to thank you. I know you didn’t start Allan with the explicit intent of helping people, but goddamn it helped me.
Just wanted you to know.
Take care.
Absolutely humbling to hear — thank you so much for finding me again and reaching out! I wish my work could’ve remained online in full as I had intended, but the internet gods taught me yet another lesson about depending on others for webhosting. Lesson learned
I totally remember your name, so maybe you were around somewhere. The memory is a bit foggy but your support then encouraged me to wind up here, now, so I like to think we helped each other! Absolutely floored by your kind words, though (and the effect that my art can have on others). Hope you’ll have fun reading on and seeing where life leads us both!