I’ve never been “promoted” before! I’m new to the working world, though, what being a recent college grad, so I guess I’ve never been a lot of things, before.
it’s been a little tough creating “insightful” comics and I know that’s not necessary for Cory Allan strips but it’s something I strive to do so I’m still practicing transitioning back and forth between those kinds of comics and these kinds of journal comics where they’re a little more direct and literal. also, my living situation makes it difficult to create, sometimes, but you knew that, already.
I’m working a lot on Jack of AllTrades. I like Chapter 3 a lot. I’ll probably have it done closer to the end of November, so it’s fall-themed and that’ll still be appropriate (I hope). Pumpkins!
Gonna try to keep updating this week. More stuff like this. Thanks for following along!
Little late here but… congrats, man! Especially after all that c-word scare, it’s nice to see things are coming up Millhouse, err, Cory.