on October 17, 2018
and modified on October 17, 2018.
Chapter: Cory Allan
Characters: cory allan, the three marketeers
I don’t mean to stereotype, but people from my Marketing department are weirder than the engineers, and those guys are supposed to be the nerds, so… not really sure what’s going on.
idk, there’s something off about money people? Just wanted to make a vignette about that, I guess.
More tomorrow, thanks for reading!
Well it might just be me, but I think “money people” pretty much sum up a fatal flaw in todays reality that economics is placed at an artificially high priority in life. I call this economic obsession. In fact the present government is in place because they all agree to put economics above all other things including morals, fairness and ethics. Also, marketing people are weird. Their job is to know the market, which infers empathy, but for all the wrong reasons. Lol