Part 1 of some unforeseen amount.
Maybe this week will be okay.
I needed some positivity in the face of disaster. We take a lot of shit as the young, hopeful crowd. We need to grow up. We need to stop dreaming and see the world as it is.
What we need is to believe in ourselves despite what these people tell us. We are strong. Fuck you for saying otherwise. You look to the past for rules, we look forward. The year is 2099. We are still alive.
More soon or something
I didn’t have a chance to think about my Agency storyline this week.
Worked all day Friday. Like, 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM all day. Note: I’ve been waking up at 6:00 AM for the past month (my cats wake me up at 5:00 AM), so I’ve been tired for a few days. But Friday: work. And, a birthday party for my girlfriend’s pal at 7:30 PM.
So okay, maybe there’s time to nap? — NO. Because I bought Sea of Thieves and if I don’t play it tonight with my friend Taylor, I might not get a chance all week. Also, I said I would, and I’m a man of my word when it comes to external commitments. I won’t get into flaking on internal commitments right now.
So, again, this is Friday. I get home late after working a full day, game with Taytay Taylor, wrap up and go to a birthday party which winds up lasting until 3:00 AM. At this point, the first day of my weekend has begun. We crash shortly after and fall asleep faster than most people can fart.
We awake on Saturday remembering that Lindsey bought us tickets to a Beach Bunny concert like months ago, so we have to go. Also, Taylor is saying we should play SoT again, soon, so that’s on my mind. And Sam is back from France, maybe I should catch up with him? Also, I haven’t even started my comic for the week (but I’ve thought about it). But first, hunger strikes, and while I’m making “breakfast,” I realize there’re no groceries to make breakfast with. Also, it’s like 1 PM now on Saturday because we couldn’t get up before noon. I literally haven’t slept more than 5 hours a night all week and I’m fucking exhausted after staying up until 3:00 AM last night.
And isn’t today a gym day?
So I get up, shower, straighten up the apartment, and already it’s 3:00 PM and I need to go to the gym before I run out of time before the concert. I ask Lindsey if we have seats at the concert because it’s leg day. She says yes. I do squats. Spoiler, we did not have seats.
I wind up driving to San Francisco. I’m tired, but that was a great workout, so I’m energized. We drive a while, see the concert (no seats, angry dad standing across the way taking his apparent frustration out on me by mad-dog staring the whole concert, even when I look up and smile at him), walk a few blocks through the shady part of SF and am only offered drugs/prostitution once, get back to the car and drive back home. Lindsey offers to drive back, I happily accept and for a brief, rare moment, I nod off in the car. I am terrible at sleeping while in motion. This weekend broke me.
So Sunday comes along and it’s time to get stuff done. Oh but also, sleep in again because fuck if we aren’t tired after all that. Then grocery shopping, Costco shopping, cleaning, laundry, cooking, eating, prepping for the week, and now I’m here. In the office at 7:40 AM mad at the world again for laughing at me while it adds another slice of shit atop the shit sandwich that is my life by asking me to wake up yet ANOTHER hour earlier, in the dark, in the cold, for no recognition or benefit to me whatsoever.
Happy fucking Monday, everybody.
I made this comic in like 15 minutes GOODNIGHT
Yeah so Sam gave me the Master Chief Collection for Christmas! Christmas Chief! We’ve played once and it’s great and also great when you can exploit the physics. No rails! I like blowing through obstacles and bottlenecks effortlessly. If you’ve played Halo, you know what I mean.
I have to go to bed but I promised Sarah I’d get a comic up for today. She’s doing a comic, too, so we’re trying to keep each other honest. She better get number 3 up or I’ll literally shit.
I worked out today and I’m tired. It’s 1 am. How dare you, internet.
Hey I have to go to bed. But this one should seem familiar.
Thanks to Sarah for the feel good comic vibes today.
OK so the 3950x is a great processor that I desperately need because my MoBo and CPU are like 8 years old but it’s marked up everywhere that it’s been in stock because it’s so highly demanded right now so I figured out the timing on Amazon’s pre-order algorithm/restock schedule (?) and realized that every 2 hours they’d add more 3950x processors at MRSP so eventually I timed it right and – uh – was real good and asked Santa for it in the knick of time?
Run-on sentences aside, I am pumped and now I need to get some RAM and a new MoBo and possibly a new heatsink and definitely some thermal paste. Wait, what did I just say about run-on sentences? Nevermind. I think I’m good on the Power Supply. I’ll have to check. Fuck. And I thought Mechanical Keyboards were expensive …
Anyway, comics, right? Yeah, haha, comics, yeah. Remember?
Hm. K bye!
I was drawing this strip yesterday but I did have a party to go to and I wound up running out of time, so here it is NEW YEAR’S DAY. I added the “now?” in panel one today, since, yeah, now. 2020! Weird. The Twenties. Roarin’. Hindsight. Perfect vision. These jokes are gonna be a time and a half.
I don’t have resolutions, I don’t have like “things” I am gonna do cuz it’s the new year, but it was a relaxing break and I’m excited to try and be the coolest dude I can.
Also, I added some old classic strips, start here.
More whenever but also soon bye bye
I have seen some parts of Man-DeLorean. Worst Back to the Future reboot, ever.
Did you know I fixed up The Future Universe‘s site? Something weird happened with its wordpress so I just REDID THE WHOLE THING. Reread it!
Also I did another proof of concept thing here where some friends and I played a Monster of the Week session and then I added some effects after to make it a production. I think it’s fun. You can click below to get the MP3:
Monster of the Week - Episode 2You tell me! Bye.
The time off has been really restful. It’s late because I’ve been using my days to rest and recover. And cook good food, clean up, and do hobbies. I really do want to get back to regular updates. I need to figure out what inspires me about art. I’m still considering working on an animation.
I’ll come back to this thought, I’m sure. I liked drawing this strip and taking my time. Not feeling rushed. I kinda experimented with workflow/process, too. It was fun. I think I finally figured out my hair. From the front at least. More soon, cya soon.