cory allan
the next generation of!
The 602
Cory Allan
Classic Allan
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cory allan #268
May 8, 1019
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cory allan #1
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cory allan #6
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cory allan #10
Dave #1 - The truth is OUT
Dave #2 - The news is IN
Dave #3 - The news is a ghost
Dave #4 - Where do ideas come from?
Dave #5 - Someone, somewhere, eventually, I'm sure
Dave #6 - Someone else, somewhere else, eventually, I'm also sure
Dave #7 - Do bees have ideas?
Dave #8 - What do bees think of our ideas?
Dave #9 - Where does pain come from?
Dave #10 - Meanwhile, on Fox
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Dave #11 - Gus' Revenge
Dave #12 - The proof is in the pixels
Dave #13 Day ??? of my confinement
Dave #14 - Day ??? +7 i think
Dave #15 - Day ??? +20
Dave #16 - Day ??? +33
Dave #17 - Day ??? +80
Dave #18 - Meanwhile, on FOX
Dave #19 - What counts as an idea?
Dave #20 - The greatest work of art the world has ever seen
cory allan #21 - "check engine light"
cory allan #22 - "Check engine light"
cory allan #23 - "Check Engine, Light"
cory allan #24 - "Bad Art"
cory allan #25 - "whataboutism"
cory allan #26 - "Dave???+5"
cory allan #27 - "How It's Done"
cory allan #28 - Show Us What You Got
cory allan #29 - Rough Night
cory allan #30 - Flush with Bacteria ft. schnazzleberry
Dave #21 - Newspaper Times, 3 days ago
Dave #22 - Just outside Newspaper Times, 3 days ago
Dave #23 Just outside just outside Newspaper Times, 3 days ago
Dave #24 - What ideas are worth sharing?
Dave #25 - Can we automate pollination?
Dave #26 - Journalism these days
Dave #27 - Silverware party
Dave #28 - Silverware Party 2
Dave #29 - Silverware Party 3
Dave #30 - Hour 43 of FingerWatch 2019 TM
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Dave #31 - As all things should be
Dave #32 - All things considered
Dave #33 - Even more things considered
Dave #34 - Your soul... is MINE (Wolf Blitzer)
Dave #35 - Would you take immortality if it was offered to you?
Dave #36 - Silverware Party 4
Dave #37 - Silverware Party 5
Dave #38 - Silverware Party 6
Dave #39 - I want to be clear I wish no ill will toward Wolf Blitzer
Dave #40 - At what point does this get old?
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cory allan #46 - A Thousand Words
cory allan #47 - A Thousand Words
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cory allan #50
Dave #41 - LIVE, On-Air
Dave #42 - Silverware Party 7
Dave #43 - Silverware Party 8
Dave #44 - Silverware Party 9
Dave #45 - What risks are worth taking?
Dave #46 - Meanwhile, outside time and space
Dave #47 - Just outside outside time and space
Dave #48 - Just outside outside outside time and space
Dave #49 - Just outside outside outside outside time and
Dave #50 - Just outside
cory allan #51 - commentary
cory allan #52 - all improv
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cory allan #57 - Red Light
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Dave #51 - Now that's what I call Journalism
Dave #52 - Silverware Party 10
Dave #53 - Silverware Party 11
Dave #54 - Silverware Party 12
Dave #55 - Gary on the street
Dave #56 - Gary on the beat
Dave #57 - Where do we draw the line?
Dave #58 - Now we're even
Dave #59 - Turdus Migratorius
Dave #60 - How far should one take an idea?
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Dave #61 - Silverware Party 13
Dave #62 - Silverware Party 14
Dave #63 - Silverware Party 15
Dave #64 - What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?
Dave #65 - Greg's back!
Dave #66 - Greg's back in town
Dave #67 - Greg's back in the red
Dave #68 - Greg's back in the black!
Dave #69- Greg's back to writing his old uncle Gil for money again
Dave #70- What separates one idea from another?
cory allan #73
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Dave #71 - Greg's back in town again
Dave #72 - Greg's taken aback
Dave #73 - Greg's in the back of his mind
Dave #74 - GREG's BACK! IN TIME!
Dave #75 - Greg's back on track
Dave #76 - Will we manage to colonize the solar system?
Dave #77 - Silverware Party 16
Dave #78 - Silverware Party 17
Dave #79 - Silverware Party 18
Dave #80 - When do you let go of an idea?
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Dave #81 - Greg's back to his old tricks again
Dave #82 - Greg's back off track
Dave #83 - Greg is still back in time
Dave #84 - Meanwhile, in the actual present
Dave #85 - Speak truth to power
Dave #86 - Speak truth into a void
Dave #87 - What in the goddamn hell is a singularity
Dave #88 - Silverware Party 19
Dave #89 - Silverware Party 20
Dave #90 - Silverware Party 21
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Dave #91 - ALDA
Dave #92 - HEY
Dave #93 - HELLO?
Dave #94 - WMMM
Dave #95 - OH NO
Dave #96 - HELLO
Dave #97 - YA
Dave #98 - How long do you have to be 'dead' before you're dead?
Dave #99 - A METAPHOR
Dave #100 - How do you determine an idea's value?
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Dave #101 - How many people out there are exactly like me?
Dave #102 - AAAAA
Dave #103 - HELP
Dave #104 - THANKS SORRY
Dave #105 - AAAAAAAA
Dave #106 - AAAAAA OH GOD
Dave #107 - NOOAHHHGG-K-NO-
Dave #108 - FINE
Dave #109 - OH NO
Dave #110 - OH OK
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Dave #111 - QUEEN BEE
Dave #112
Dave #113
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Dave #117
Dave #118
Dave #119
Dave #120 - Does our nobility suffer for us?
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Dave #121 - Greg's back to asking random strangers for life advice
Dave #122 - Greg's back to basics
Dave #123 - Greg's fallback falls through
Dave #124 - Greg's back in town for a third time
Dave #125 - Greg's back to his one trick
Dave #126 - Greg's thinking back
Dave #127 - Greg's back in 1989 but in his mind
Dave #128 - Greg's backing a winning horse
Dave #129 - OH YA
Dave #130 - YAY
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Dave #131 - Greg's gettin the band back together
Dave #132 - Greg's gettin backup
Dave #133 - Greg's back in the void!
Dave #134 - Greg's back to square zero.
Dave #135 - Greg's going back to that place again
Dave #136 - Greg's back in that PLACE AGAIN
Dave #137 - Greg's back to his old self again
Dave #138 - LOOK
Dave #139 - OH MY GOD
Dave #140 - HM
Dave #141 - Alternate reality Game of Thrones
Dave #144 - Also last time on GAME of THRONES
Dave #146 - Actually last time on GAME of THRONES
Dave #147 - Next time on GAME of THRONES
Dave #148 - Then after that, on GAME of THRONES
Dave #149 - And after all that on GAME of THRONES
Dave #150 - AW MAN
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Dave #151 - ON OR OFF
Dave #152 - WHAT DO WE DO Greg's back off the menu boys
Dave #153 - Greg waves back
Dave #154 - COMING OVER
Dave #155 - Greg's back to asking questions with a little dance
Dave #156 - Greg starts backing away slowly
Dave #157 - Greg's back to questioning reality again
Dave #158 - BE STRONG
Dave #159 - AN EGG
Dave #160 - TRULY
Dave #161 - POP OFF
Dave #162 - MORE TV
Dave #163 - Lucky gets lucky
Dave #164 - BLARRR
Dave #165 - Lucky holds on tight
Dave #167 - Lucky in space
Dave #168 - Lucky in time
Dave #169 - Lucky in Spacetime
Dave #170 - THERE THERE
Dave #171 - The BBC Presents
Dave #172 - In association with TLC and Discovery
Dave #173 - An HBO Studios production
Dave #174 - With photographers on loan from National Geographic
Dave #175 - Shot on location in Bradly Morton's Basement
Dave #176 - David Attenborough narrates
Dave #177 - A 10-Part limited series
Dave #178 - A once in a generation television event
Dave #179 - 30 plus years in the making
Dave #180 - Dungeons and Dragons, life in the immaterial world
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Dave #181 - Wyn Dixie 1
Dave #182 - Wyn Dixie 2
Dave #183 - Wyn Dixie 3
Dave #184 - Wyn Dixie 4
Dave #185 - Wyn Dixie 5
Dave #186 - Wyn Dixie 6
Dave #187 - Wyn Dixie 7
Dave #188 - Wyn Dixie 8
Dave #189 - Wyn Dixie 9
Dave #190 - Wyn Dixie 10
Dave #191 - Wyn Dixie 11
Dave #192 - Wyn Dixie 12
Dave #193 - Wyn Dixie 13
Dave #194 - Wyn Dixie 14
Dave #195 - Wyn Dixie 15
Dave #196 - Wyn Dixie 16
Dave #197 - Wyn Dixie 17
Dave #198 - Wyn Dixie 18
Dave #199 - Wyn Dixie 19
Dave #200 - Wyn Dixie 20
Dave #201 - Wyn Dixie 21
Dave #202 - Wyn Dixie 22
Dave #203 - Wyn Dixie 23
Dave #204 - Wyn Dixie 24
Dave #205 - Wyn Dixie 25
Dave #206 - Wyn Dixie 26
Dave #207 - Wyn Dixie 27
Dave #208 - Wyn Dixie 28
Dave #209 - Wyn Dixie 29
Dave #210 - Wyn Dixie 30
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cory allan #187
cory allan #188
cory allan #189 - 9:46 PM
cory allan #190 - 10:22 PM
cory allan #191 - 10:36 PM
cory allan #192 - this guy
cory allan #193 - so??
cory allan #194 - still here
cory allan #195 - clarification
cory allan #196 - eye witness
cory allan #197 - telling who?
cory allan #198 - catch up
cory allan #199 - Ketchup
cory allan #200 - cat's SUP
cory allan #201 - line UP
cory allan #202 - line DOWN
Dave #211 - BORING
Dave #212 - Last time on Game of Thrones
Dave #213 - If Davos were a little less quick on his feet
Dave #214 - It still would've worked probably
Dave #215 - Even a blacksmith's boy can do better than 'really bad'
Dave #216 - More like PAY worm am i rite???
Dave #217 - If Bran were less careful with his powers
Dave #218 - "The crypt is the safest place to be"
Dave #219 - I'll never wash this wound again
Dave #220 - YA?
cory allan #203 - Police Sketch Artist
cory allan #204 - Police PAINT Artist
cory allan #205 - Poll Piece Pain Apart Tits
cory allan #206 - ideas
cory allan #207 - dongs out
cory allan #208 - "dick"
cory allan #209 - Sponsored by...
cory allan #210 - "..."
cory allan #211 - Quick Turnaround
cory allan #212 - Quick! Turn around!
cory allan #213 - r/unexpected
cory allan #214 - Video Game Comics #1
cory allan #215 - Video Game Comics #2
Dave #221 - AY!
Dave #222 -
Dave #223 - FIGHT
Dave #224 - BIFF WHAM
Dave #225 -
Dave #226 - BOP!
Dave #227 - NO.
Dave #228 - DONT.
Dave #229 - YEAH
Dave #230 - How long does a story need to be to be satisfying?
cory allan #216 - Video Game Comics #3
cory allan #217 - Video Game Comics #4
cory allan #218 - Video Game Comics #5
cory allan #219 - Fleas
cory allan #220 - Fleece
cory allan #221 - The Tenth Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #222 - The Ninth Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #223 - The Eighth Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #224 - The Seventh Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #225 - The Sixth Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #226 - The Fifth Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #227 - The Fourth Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #228 - The Third Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #229 - The Second Best Thing on the Internet
cory allan #230 - The Best Thing on the Internet
Dave #231 - A Future
Dave #232 - A Future
Dave #233 - A Future
Dave #234 - A future
Dave #235 - A Future
Dave #236 - A Future
Dave #237 - A Future
Dave #238 - A Future
Dave #239 - A Future
Dave #240 - A Future
Dave #241 - A Future
Dave #242 - A Future
Dave #243 - A Future
Dave #244 - A Future
Dave #245 - A Future
Dave #246 - A Future
Dave #247 - A Future
Dave #248 - A Future
Dave #249 - A Future
Dave #250 - A Future
Dave #251 - A Future
Dave #252 - A Future
Dave #253 - Gil's here!
Dave #254 - Gil's not ready for the 10 ft drop
Dave #255 - Gil's lookin on the bright side
Dave #256 - Gil's setting attainable goals
Dave #257 - Gil is going to leave that mess there
Dave #258 - Gil's gonna need a shovel
Dave #259 - 2 Years Later
Dave #260 - Gil's about to press the button
Dave #261 - Gil presses the button
Dave #262 - Gil's going to go get more coffee
Dave #263 - Gil + Gamesh
Dave #264 - Gil sets to planning
Dave #265 - Gil takes the first step
Dave #266 - Gil divides large tasks into smaller ones
Dave #267 - Gil won't enter a high security building without eating
Dave #268 - Gil breaks into Fort Knox
Dave #269 - Gil carefully grabs what he needs
Dave #270 - Gil slips
Dave #271 - Gil enters the void
Dave #272 - DID YOU SEE THAT
Dave #273 - Gil has never seen that shit in his LIFE
Dave #274 - Gil gets his prorities straight
Dave #275 - 9 months later
Dave #276 - Gil got distracted by studying the void
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Dave #277 - 1 year later
Dave #278 - Gil gets on with the show.
Dave #279 - Gil jumps to conclusions
Dave #280 - 1 week later
Dave #281 - 2 months later
Dave #282 - 3 hours later
Dave #283 - 6 months later
Dave #284 - 6 years later
Dave #285 - Gil knows what he has to do
Dave #286 -Gil's search finally hits paydirt
Dave #287 - Gil is not one to pass up a good opportunity to use a new toy
Dave #288 - Gil throws the dice-k. The disk. The teledisk.
Dave #289 - 2 Years later
Dave #290 - 7 Years later?
Dave #291 - Greg's back to his crippling gambling addiction
Dave #292 - Gil makes his best clone immortal sorta
Dave #293 - Gil confronts a past mistake
Dave #294 - Gil passes on important wisdom
Dave #295 - Gil confronts another past mistake
Dave #296 - 1998, the void
Dave #297 - THAT'S YA Gil does his level best
Dave #298 - Gus has a choice to make
Dave #299 - 20 Years later...
Dave #300 - How do you say goodbye?
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Cory Allan
Classic Allan
The 602
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May 8, 1019
and modified on May 8, 2019.
The 602
wolf blitzer
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Lindsey Salazar
May 26, 2019, 10:14 PM
Actually that looks more like a mallet
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Actually that looks more like a mallet