Alternate title: “Millennial Child Has Big Idea that will KILL Future Workforce”
I also updated a bonus panel! Hint: it’s me being my own biggest critic.
I drew this one while I was sitting in a Starbucks waiting to pick up my girlfriend from her beauty appointment. Everyone kept looking at me. Drawing still draws a lot of attention, I guess? Lemme drink my cold brew in peace. Just kidding. I don’t care. Please look at my wonderful hair.
This is kinda continuing the same thought as Day 61? Maybe not. Just a ‘lil.
ALSO: Check out this incredible commission that qozxe (kira) did for us!!
I was super honored to draw a portrait of @schnazzlebutt and @allanwood for Valentine’s Day! ????hope you two had a great one!!!
— kira @ all Mim all the time (@qozxe) February 19, 2018
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