It’s true! We – specifically I (as Dave has had his 300 pages done since the end of April – as intended) – finished The 602!
I finished the last 28 pages on Saturday – the comic I’m drawing here being #600 – and took the rest of the long weekend to recover. It has been a TON of work, but these last pages took a bit of planning. It’s done, now, save for TWO PAGES which will function as a sort of epilogue. We’ll upload those soon – I think Dave will do #601, and then I’ll do #602. Might be short, might be long. We’ll see! I’m excited. We had a good time.
You can start from the beginning or read just the newest pages. I kinda tie up the whole plot, so if you forget, give it a look! It’ll make you smile, I think. 600 pages, everybody. That’s nuts. Also, maybe print someday? We’ll see 🙂
Look for more comics soon! Maybe tomorrow! I’m feeling pretty good now that I wrapped up those strips. Hope you are too.
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