Sensitivity to cold and sensitivity to acidity makes consuming liquids a lot less fun!!
Hi everybody, how ya doin’?
I’m having a tough week. Missed an update yesterday, haven’t been making videos. I got some pretty weird news about my health on Friday so I’m waiting on some test results before I speak more on it.
…but it definitely threw me off my game. But hey. I woke up at 6 am this morning and I’m getting my morning started with some productive stuff. Still, need to do more work! And my neck is sore!
How do you decide which Allan to use in a particular strip?
“Hat Allan”—or “Classic Allan”—I’ll usually use when I’m being naive and innocent – kinda figuring something out that I feel like I should already know or discussing something that’s obvious. Maybe feeling helpless. “Cory Allan” or “Hatless Allan” is usually where I’m feeling strong and sure of myself.
Thanks for noticing the intention! SYMBOLISM~