I drew this today. I hope it makes sense. I’m trying. I found a little inspiration that carried me through to the end.
My SO bought too much OJ, but it was FS (fresh-squeezed) so I was like “WN (why not)?” NEway, I drank too much OJ, but I’m OK.
Can I be honest and say I’m actually typing all of these notes before I even scanned the comic? I’m still waiting on my scanner to warm up. Is this a bamboozle?
Probably no one reading remembers this but I made a font ( Allan.ttf ) for Allan a long time ago and used it for a few strips. I found it recently and it actually works well when I tweak it a little (for little details). I used it in the final panel. Here’s a preview:
Also, I know it doesn’t have the same visibility as CA has, but I’ve been working on Jack of AllTrades® and it’s been satisfying. Looking forward to getting Chapter 3 finished before October’s through! Wanna see some previews? I’ll get some on Patreon soon.
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