on May 26, 1019 and modified on May 26, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, gamfast totally not responding to different thoughts, there, nope Comment
on May 26, 1019 and modified on August 14, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, lucky some might say yin and yang, but I pronounce it “inning” I don’t watch a lot of baseball tho Comment
on May 26, 1019 and modified on May 26, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, gary, Greg, Gus, lucky there’s no time for chit-chat. or, like, punchlines. Comment
on May 26, 1019 and modified on May 26, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, gary, Greg, Gus, lucky “they’re like me! except… …well, I guess they’re all like me!” Comment
on May 26, 1019 and modified on May 26, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, Greg, lucky we all loved that tree Comment
on May 26, 1019 and modified on May 26, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, Greg answer me! shut up!! Comment
on May 26, 1019 and modified on May 26, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, Greg knocked the fuck right outta ’em! Comment
on May 26, 1019 and modified on May 26, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Fucky, Greg fancy seein’ you here Comment
on April 30, 1019 and modified on April 30, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: al, da, fucklord, Fucky, Gil, Gus, ya *fight music* Comment