on April 21, 1019 and modified on April 21, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, hawk, Wyn I mean, it’s not like I control the weather 1 Comment
on April 21, 1019 and modified on April 21, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, hawk, Wyn Somehow I feel like this is my fault Comment
on April 21, 1019 and modified on April 21, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, Wyn Storm’s a comin’ Comment
on April 21, 1019 and modified on April 21, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, train, Wyn I bet it’s right over that next hill Comment
on April 21, 1019 and modified on April 21, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, hawk, train, Wyn Hey I bet if we follow that we’ll find a town Comment
on April 20, 1019 and modified on April 20, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, hawk, hawk's shadow, Wyn alright alright let’s go (holy shit 200!) Comment
on April 20, 1019 and modified on April 20, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, Wyn this river is not supposed to be here Comment
on April 20, 1019 and modified on April 20, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, Wyn just gotta make sure these straps are nice and buckled, hold your horses (hahaha) Comment
on April 20, 1019 and modified on April 20, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, Wyn first thing I do when we get to a proper town is have myself a bath Comment
on April 20, 1019 and modified on April 20, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Dixie, Wyn *desert morning sounds* Comment