on April 16, 1019 and modified on April 16, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: ryan wilson, therapist oh good another dream sequence I’m sure this won’t complicate matters further Comment
on April 16, 1019 and modified on April 16, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: ryan wilson, therapist he’s really struggling, there Comment
on April 16, 1019 and modified on April 21, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: therapist I love ryan’s art and I love to make fun of my friends Comment
on April 16, 1019 and modified on April 16, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: ryan wilson, therapist there’s a budding relationship here, I can sense it Comment
on April 16, 1019 and modified on April 16, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: ryan wilson, therapist see it’s funny cuz he is an artist (that’s the joke) Comment