on April 24, 1019 and modified on April 24, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Aal, al, da, Daa, ya Ya, keepin the peace. What would we do without you? 1 Comment
on April 24, 1019 and modified on April 24, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Aal, al, da, Daa, ya Dunno how good confiscating those will do, it seems like they materialized them from thin air Comment
on April 24, 1019 and modified on April 24, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Aal, al, da, Daa, ya This one I guess ALSO doesn’t have a title. It’s uh… also intentional. That one liner. That RESPONSE! I’m speechless, clearly. Comment
on April 24, 1019 and modified on April 24, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Aal, al, da, Daa, ya Action PACKED. Al’s goin at it HARD. 1 Comment
on April 24, 1019 and modified on April 24, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Aal, al, da, Daa, ya A natural reaction to finding copies of yourselves Comment
on April 24, 1019 and modified on April 24, 2019. Chapter: The 602Characters: Aal, al, da, Daa, ya This one apparently doesn’t have a title. It is a pretty mind destroying twist, so I guess it makes sense. Comment